How Do You Make Scented Candles?

How Do You Make Scented Candles?

If you’re curious about how to create your very own scented candles, look no further. This article will guide you through the process step-by-step, so you can enjoy the soothing glow and delightful aroma of homemade candles in no time. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced candle maker, we’ve got you covered with easy-to-follow instructions and helpful tips. So grab your supplies and let’s get started on this fragrant and rewarding DIY project!

Supplies and Materials

To make scented candles, you will need a variety of supplies and materials to ensure your candle-making process goes smoothly. Here are the essential items you’ll need:


Wax is the main ingredient in any candle. There are different types of candle waxes available, such as soy wax, beeswax, and paraffin wax. Each type of wax has its own unique characteristics and benefits. When choosing a wax, consider factors like burn time, scent throw, and ease of use.


Wicks are responsible for delivering the flame to the wax, allowing the candle to burn. There are various types of wicks available, each designed for specific candle sizes and materials. Consider the diameter of your container and the type of wax to determine the appropriate wick size.


Choosing the right containers for your scented candles is crucial for both safety and aesthetics. Glass jars, metal tins, and ceramic vessels are popular choices. Ensure that the containers are heat-resistant and can withstand melting wax. Additionally, consider the size and shape of the containers based on the desired end product.

Fragrance oils

Fragrance oils are the key to creating beautifully scented candles. There is a wide variety of fragrance oils available, ranging from floral and fruity scents to musky and woody aromas. Choose high-quality fragrance oils specifically designed for candle-making to ensure optimal scent throw and longevity.


If you wish to add color to your candles, dyes are necessary. Candle dyes come in various forms, such as liquid, powder, or dye chips. Ensure that the dyes are specifically formulated for use in candles to achieve consistent and vibrant colors.


A thermometer is essential for monitoring the temperature of the wax during the melting process. Different types of wax have specific melting points, and maintaining the correct temperature range is crucial for a successful candle-making experience.

Double boiler

Using a double boiler is the safest way to melt wax. It consists of two pots, one nested inside the other, with boiling water in the outer pot and wax in the inner pot. This indirect heat method prevents the wax from overheating and minimizes the risk of fire.

Pouring pot

A pouring pot is a specialized container used to pour melted wax into candle containers. It typically has a spout that facilitates precise pouring and minimizes messes. Choose a pouring pot that can hold an appropriate amount of melted wax for the size of the candles you plan to make.

Stirring utensil

You will need a dedicated utensil, such as a heat-resistant spoon or a whisk, for stirring the melted wax and incorporating fragrance oils and dyes. Avoid using utensils made of materials that can melt or react with the wax.

Measuring tools

Accurate measurements are crucial when making scented candles. Have measuring cups or scales on hand to measure the amount of wax, fragrance oils, and dyes accurately.

Choosing the Right Wax

The type of wax you choose for your scented candles will greatly impact their performance and overall quality. Here are some key considerations to help you select the right wax for your needs:

Types of candle wax

There are various types of candle waxes available, each with its own set of characteristics. Here are a few common types of wax:

  • Soy Wax: Soy wax is made from soybean oil and is known for its eco-friendly nature and clean-burning properties.
  • Beeswax: Beeswax is a natural wax produced by bees. It has a unique scent and a long burn time.
  • Paraffin Wax: Paraffin wax is derived from petroleum and is known for its affordability and excellent scent throw.


When choosing a wax for your scented candles, consider the following factors:

  • Burn Time: Some waxes, like soy wax and beeswax, have longer burn times compared to paraffin wax.
  • Scent Throw: Certain waxes have better scent throw capabilities, meaning they can effectively release the fragrance oils into the air when the candle is burning.
  • Eco-Friendliness: If you prioritize sustainability, opt for waxes that are renewable and environmentally friendly, such as soy wax or beeswax.
  • Ease of Use: Different waxes have varying requirements when it comes to melting temperature, handling, and compatibility with other additives like dyes and fragrance oils. Consider your level of experience and the equipment you have available.

Recommended waxes

Based on their performance and availability, some recommended waxes for scented candles include:

  • Soy Wax: Soy wax is a favorite among candle makers for its natural origins, clean burn, and excellent scent throw.
  • Paraffin Blend Wax: Paraffin blend waxes are known for their affordability and versatility. They combine the benefits of paraffin wax with other additives, such as soy or vegetable oils, to enhance performance.
  • Coconut Wax: Coconut wax is a sustainable option with a smooth and creamy appearance. It has good scent throw capabilities and offers a unique aesthetic appeal.

When selecting a wax, consider your specific requirements, budget, and personal preferences to find the perfect wax for your scented candles.

Selecting the Appropriate Wicks

Choosing the right wick is crucial for ensuring your scented candles burn evenly and safely. Here’s a guide to selecting the appropriate wicks for your candles:

Types of wicks

There are several types of wicks available, each designed for different candle sizes, waxes, and burn characteristics. The most common types of wicks include:

  • Cotton Wicks: Cotton wicks are versatile and suitable for a wide range of candle types. They come in various sizes and are often pre-tabbed, making them easier to use.
  • Wooden Wicks: Wooden wicks offer a unique crackling sound and attractive aesthetic. They are ideal for use in larger candles and require specific container sizes to achieve optimal burning.
  • Zinc Core Wicks: Zinc core wicks are often used for paraffin wax candles. They contain a thin zinc wire that adds rigidity to the wick, allowing it to stand upright during burning.

Determining wick size

Selecting the correct wick size is essential to achieve a clean and consistent burn. Factors such as the diameter of your candle and the type of wax used will influence the ideal wick size. Most wick manufacturers provide guidelines or charts that recommend wick sizes based on different container diameters and wax types.

Wick safety guidelines

To ensure the safety of your candles, follow these wick safety guidelines:

  • Trim the wick: Before each burn session, trim the wick to approximately ¼ inch to prevent excessive flickering and soot buildup.
  • Keep the wick centered: Ensure the wick is centered in the container before pouring the melted wax.
  • Test burn: Always conduct a test burn to observe the flame height, hot throw, and overall performance of the wick. This will help you make necessary adjustments before creating a larger batch of candles.
  • Monitor burn time: Avoid burning candles for longer than the recommended burn time to prevent the wick from tunneling and the candle from overheating.

By selecting the appropriate wicks and following safety guidelines, you can create scented candles that burn evenly, last longer, and provide a delightful fragrance experience.


  • Donna Clemons runs a homemade candle, soap, and gift set business successfully. She started the company six years back in her basement and has 14 in-house staff for producing and distributing products. She wanted to share her experience of candle making, soap making, and handcrafting with interested people. Donna will be an excellent asset for converting your hobbies into an income.

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