How Do You Meditate Properly? [How Can I Successfully Do It]

How Do You Meditate Properly? [How Can I Successfully Do It]

Hey there! Ever wondered, “How do you meditate properly?” I get it. Let’s unravel the mystery of meditation together. In this article, we’ll break down simple steps to help you find your zen. No fancy jargon—just easy tips for a peaceful mind. Let’s dive in and discover your meditation groove!

Having a bad or exhausting day in our busy lives is not unusual for human beings. Life gives us both ups and downs; sometimes, things can be overwhelming, and in such times, it is essential to keep our emotions in control.

How can we cope with our emotions and overcome the struggles that we face in our daily lives? Mediation is one of the best ways to control our emotions.

If you meditate correctly, it will undoubtedly help you to mitigate the feelings that bother you. You might have heard of various meditating techniques; the question is, how do you meditate properly? 

Meditation is a process, and you should always follow the correct steps from the beginning. Meditation might be more challenging than it sounds. Moreover, if you want to get the maximum benefits of meditation, it is mandatory to do it properly with self-discipline.

Before starting to meditate, you must select a calm and quiet place. Secondly, you can decide on a time limit; it is better to keep the time short at the initial stages. Then, you can find a suitable posture and breathe slowly and consciously while your eyes are closed.

In the beginning, your mind will wander, yet try to stay as calm as possible, focusing on your breath. You should never force yourself to control your thoughts; it should happen effortlessly. 

Meditation helps us to train and soothe our exhausted minds. If you meditate correctly, it will give you spiritual and physical comfort. It is evident that meditation effectively allows us to reduce anxiety, depression, and blood pressure.

Subsequently, it cleanses the respiratory system and improves blood circulation. If you need to make peace within yourself, you can practice mediation. Once you master the basics, you can enjoy all the benefits.

If you are keen on meditating but do not have a clear idea of how to do it, this article will be helpful to you. So, let’s figure out the correct way to meditate.

How do you meditate properly?

Meditation is a practice with its roots traced back thousands of years. This is a mechanism thoroughly pursued in Buddhism and a means of transforming the mind.

However, meditation is not limited to religious practice; it can be observed and explained from several perspectives and has a broader meaning. However, applying this practice to our day-to-day life can be simply interpreted as a mindful activity.

It helps us to be aware of our mind, enhance our focus, and calm ourselves. As already pointed out, meditation gives you numerous benefits, but if you need to get those benefits correctly, it is essential to meditate properly.

Below, you can find step-by-step guidance to meditate correctly. 

  • Find the correct place 

If you need to meditate first, the most important thing is finding a suitable place. In this context, a rightful place is referred to where there is less noise and distractions so that you can calmly focus on the process. Comfort is the key when you find the right place to meditate.

However, do not misinterpret the word comfort. It does not necessarily refer to a spacious and luxurious area. It could be your bedroom, living room, or outdoor space; as long as you feel comfortable there, you can choose it as your place to meditate.

It is also important not to keep any electronics close to the meditating area, which could distract you. Furthermore, have some privacy where you meditate so that you can focus better. 

  • Set a time limit

Once you have chosen a place to meditate, you can set a time span. At the beginning stage, you should always stick with a shorter time limit. Until you master meditating, you will find it perplexing to focus on one thing for a long time.

So, do not force yourself to meditate for too long. Set a timer for a maximum of 5 to 10 minutes; once you practice this consistently for some time, you can increase the period little by little. 

  • Place yourself in the correct posture 

You should not feel uncomfortable or irritated while meditating, so you must find the correct posture. There are different options that you can choose how you position yourself while meditating.

No matter what posture you use, you must always keep your back straight. Do not apply extra pressure to keep your back straight. Keep it relaxed yet refined. Do not stiffen your head and neck; keep them relaxed, and your hands should be gently positioned on your lap or legs.

Rather than sitting on the floor, you can use a cushion or a mat to support you to maintain the posture without discomfort. 

  • Close your eyes and focus on breathing 

One can follow numerous types of meditation, such as mindfulness meditation, spiritual meditation, focused meditation, movement meditation, mantra meditation, and visualization meditation.

However, it is always better to start things slowly and easily. So, mindfulness meditation will be excellent for anyone new to meditation. In mindfulness meditation, you should concentrate on your breathing.

Observe how you inhale and exhale air and keep your focus on the breathing pattern. If you feel distracted, start over, but do not force yourself. Once you are done, take a deep breath and slowly open your eyes.

Once you get the hang of basic meditation, you can explore various types. However, before starting a new kind of mediation, research and familiarize yourself. 

How do you know if you are meditating correctly?

How do you know if you are meditating correctly?

Assume you started meditating following a guide, but how can you ensure that you are meditating correctly? When you accurately practice meditation for a consistent period, you will feel noticeable changes within yourself. 

When you first start meditation, you might feel like you put effort into your concentration. However, when you keep practicing that correctly, you will eventually concentrate and focus without effort. Also, you will become more focused and observant.

Before practicing meditation, you might have felt unease controlling your thoughts and feelings. Once you start practicing meditation, if you feel that you are getting better at coping with your feelings while being kind to yourself, that indicates you have been meditating in the correct way.

Your focus also will become stronger once you start meditating properly. It allows you to be more attentive than usual and concentrate on things without getting distracted.

People often get distracted by different things, but correct meditation will help us to surpass those distractions without getting dominated by them.

Overall, you will feel peace within yourself, happier, healthier, and less worried. If you experience these signs after practicing meditation for a while, you are experiencing real progression. 

Do and don’ts during meditation?

When you meditate, there are certain things that you should adhere to and also things that you should avoid. So, what are the most crucial dos and don’ts of meditation? 

Do these for meditate properly 

  • Find a comfortable place and a position 

It is vital to find a comfortable place to do meditation. You might not find a place where there is no voice at all but do not worry about it. Try to find a relatively quiet place and make things work there.

No matter where you choose, make sure you get enough air and feel relaxed in that place. Furthermore, as mentioned, the posture should also be comfortable to carry on the meditation process. 

  • Try to avoid external interruptions 

You should take the possible actions to minimize the interruptions for meditation. For example, do not keep your phone close when meditating.

If there are many people at your home, try to find a spot with fewer people or a time when fewer people are at home. You can also try meditation music to help you concentrate better. 

Don’t do these for meditate properly 

Some of the common don’ts in meditation are noted below. 

  • Do not force yourself to do it 

Meditation requires patience. It could be complex initially, but taking things at a slower pace is always advisable. Although you try to avoid interruptions, you could lose focus at specific points.

In such times, do not push yourself hard; you can always start over things. The more you pressure yourself, the more you will feel meditating is a burden. 

  • Do not compare your experience with others 

We all have wandering minds. However, not all our feelings and thoughts function the same way. While some people quickly get the hang of mediation, others might need more time.

So, you should never compare your mediating experience with someone else’s. Meditation is going to be a different journey for different people. Therefore, comparison could make the process less effective. 

Final thoughts 

This article talked about meditation, a mindful activity that helps achieve peace in our chaotic lives. Meditation is an activity that gives us many benefits to have a better life; however, to benefit from it, we must do it properly.

There are dos and don’ts to follow when we meditate, and as long as we correctly follow them, anyone can get the most out of meditating. 


  • Juan Brock is a professional meditation instructor and constant. He has studied meditation for years in different countries, including India, Sri Lanka, Japan, China, Myanmar, and Turkey. Juan is interested in the combination of meditation and religious perspectives about it. Hundreds of people learn at Juan's meditation center. He wanted to join with HobbyLeads and write about Meditation and Yoga. He will be a great asset to interested readers.

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